I’m a Jordanian living in the UK, currently holding a post-doctoral position at the School of Engineering in Newcastle University, UK.
My academic background is multidisplinary and combines themes of software engineering, digital system design and computational neuroscience. I'm interested in designing and understanding computers in all forms and substrates, with particular emphasis on software, digital systems, neural systems and minds.
My non-professional interests include philosophy (epistemology, ontology, theism and morality), formal logic, reasoning, science and meta-mathematics. In my spare time I do software development and work on few personal projects.
PhD in Microelectronics, 2013
Newcastle University, UK
MSc in Mechatronics, 2009
Newcastle University, UK
BSc in Computer Engineering, 2008
Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan
Some thoughts on various topics
Overview of research areas
Personal projects and activities
How to get in touch
Please send me an email at gtarawneh@gmail.com.
If your email contains sensitive information, please encrypt it with my PGP key.